A stone's throw away from the Cathedral of Saint Lazarus, the former mansion of Chancellor Nicolas Rolin, built in the 15th century, is home to the Musée Rolin. This charming museum is home to remarkable collections. It has a vast array of archaeological objects, medieval sculptures, romantic paintings and various artworks. A visit to the permanent collection of the Musée Rolin will take you through 20 rooms of this historical monument, and lasts approximately 2 hours.
Discover the Musée Rolin's masterpieces : they are presented in this section with many details. Information on these artworks can also be found in the museum's rooms with the detailed room sheets, as well as through an audioguide available at the entrance of the museum for 2€ pp. The audioguide is available in French, English, German and Dutch.

The Eucharist Triptych (detail), Grégoire Guérard known as The Master of the Autun Triptych, 1515